Rule 1 | FRP

All roleplays must withhold a realistic standard and you must not do anything that could be deemed as unrealistic.

Rule 2 | VDM

Vehicle deathmatch is not allowed. This means you are not to shoot other vehicles without a valid reason to do so.

Rule 3 | RDM

Random Deathmatch is not allowed. This means you are not to shoot or kill anyone without a valid reason to do so.

Rule 4 | Non-Glitched or Disturbing avatar

Our rules on avatars aren’t so strict, but you shall not have an avatar that glitches that could ruin the experience of others or disturbing avatars this includes NSFW avatars (ewwww)

Rule 5 | New Life Rule

NLR means that once your character is arrested or dies then you have no previous member as that character and cannot go roleplaying again with that character.

Rule 6 | Team Creation

The creation of smaller teams like CIA, FBI etc. isn't allowed. They are already a thing, Go into the discord to apply.

Rule 7 | Realistic Driving & Roleplaying Crashes

You must drive realistically if you don’t have a valid reason not to and you must roleplay all of your crashes no matter what speed they are at.